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조회 수 20104 추천 수 0 2009.07.01 14:26:51
Ver. net-snmp-

### 다운로드 사이트

### SNMP설치
# tar xvfz net-snmp-
# cd net-snmp
# ./configure
# make

설치하다보면 아래와 같은 질문이 나온다. 입력하지 않으면 기본값이 적용된다.

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Default version of SNMP to use (3):
SNMP 버전을 몇을 기본으로 사용할지 적는 곳
System Contact Information (nomos@@no.where):
이 메일을 적는 곳
System Location (Unknown):
지역 주소를 적는 곳
Location to write logfile (/var/log/snmpd.log):
log파일을 어느 위치에 쓸지 적는 곳
Location to write persistent information (/var/net-snmp):
불변의 정보를 어느 위치에 쓸지 적는 곳

# make test
# make install

# cp EXAMPLE.conf /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf
# vi /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf
#      source           community
com2sec local           localhost         public
com2sec mynetwork  public
com2sec public         default            public

# Second, map the security names into group names:

#                    sec.model
group local      v1               local
group local      v2c             local
group local      usm            local
group mygroup    v1            mynetwork
group mygroup    v2c          mynetwork
group mygroup    usm          mynetwork
group public     v1               public
group public     v2c             public
group public     usm            public

# Third, create a view for us to let the groups have rights to:

#                   incl/excl   subtree                                                           mask
view  all         included    .1                                                                   80
view  system   included    system                                                           fe
view  mib2      included      fc

# Finally, grant the 2 groups access to the 1 view with different
# write permissions:

#                         context   sec.model  sec.level  match  read    write    notif
access  mygroup  ""           any           noauth     exact  mib2      none   none
access  public      ""           any           noauth     exact  system  all      all
access  local        ""           any           noauth     exact  all         all      all

설치와 설정이 끝났다면 snmpd데몬을 실행시키자.
# /usr/local/sbin/snmpd

# ps -aux | grep snmpd

# snmpget -v1 -c public localhost system.sysLocation.0
# snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost system


일요일은 짜빠게뤼~ 먹는날~^^

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